VARKON Fonts from the Hershey Glyphs


  1. The VARKON Standard Fonts
  2. The VARKON Font Format
  3. Generating the Fonts
  4. Latin Character Set Fonts
  5. Greek Character Set Fonts
  6. Cyrillic Character Set Fonts
  7. Symbol Fonts
  8. The VARKON Font Editor
  9. Other Font Mappings

To use one of these fonts, copy the font file into your $VARKON_ROOT/cnf/fnt directory and rename it to some valid but unused font number; e.g., "10.FNT". Then, in your MBS text statements, use the "tfont" attribute to specify this font; e.g.:

text(#1,vec(0,0),0,"some text": tfont=10);

Exploring Dr. Hershey's Typography