The VARKON Standard Fonts

Here, for ease of reference, are the default fonts as distributed with, and generated from, VARKON 1.18A.

Note 1. There are six font files in $VARKON_ROOT/cnf/fnt (in VARKON 1.18A). These are numbered 1 through 6. The VARKON fonts, however, are numbered 0 through 5. I believe that font 0 is built-in, not represented as a data file, and that these font files do represent fonts 1 through 6.

Note 2. The VARKON documentation (VARKON 1.18A) mentions only fonts 0 through 5. Font 6, supplied with this distribution, seems to correspond to ISO 8859-2 ("Latin 2") in the positions above 127.

Note 3. As VARKON 1.18A is distributed, the font files in $VARKON_ROOT/cnf/fnt have ".fnt" (lowercase) filename suffixes. In order for them to work with VARKON, they must be renamed so as to have "*.FNT" (UPPERCASE) filename suffixes. If this is not done, these fonts will show up in use as the default font (0).

Font 0. VARKON default font, sans serif:
VARKON font 0

Font 1. VARKON default font, seriffed:
VARKON font 1

Font 2. ISO 8859[-1; "Latin 1"] font, sans serif:
VARKON font 2

Font 3. ISO 8859[-1; "Latin 1"] font, seriffed:
VARKON font 3

Font 4. "PC" font, sans serif:
VARKON font 4

Font 5. "PC" font, seriffed:
VARKON font 5

Font 6. [ISO 8859-2; "Latin 2," sans serif]:
VARKON font 5

These displays were generated using the MBS module font_test.MBS. It should be called from the Active Module in this fashion:



  part(#1,font_test(0, 0));


Exploring Dr. Hershey's Typography