Dividing the Occidental Glyphs into Tables

The glyph ranges may be plotted together in three tables which contain at most 8 range displays across and 8 range displays down. Each table fits, with bare legibility (if that) on a sheet of US letter size paper.

Here are simple screen captures of the three tables. Note that in VARKON one can zoom in to any level of detail within these tables.

Table 0:
table 0

Table 1:
table 1

Table 2:
table 2

Here is the data file which will be used to specify the division into tables:

# list_tables_occidental.txt
# Three tables of ranges of Hershey glyphs, each a maximum of 8 x 8 ranges.
# Version 1
# Format: table,name
#         ("radius" is the half-width of a display box around the glyph)
# Table 0 (Ranges 0-63): Uniplex and Duplex Indexical
0,Uniplex and Duplex Indexical Ranges
# Table 1 (Ranges 64-127): Duplex Norman Ranges
1,Duplex Norman Ranges
# Table 2 (Ranges 128-191): Triplex and Glyphs above 4000
2,Triplex Ranges and Glyphs above 4000

Here's the table list in ASCII form: list_tables_occidental.txt

Note: Use the file; don't cut-and-paste from the web page here. The web page version has XML entity references in place of several literal characters used in the file.

Exploring Dr. Hershey's Typography