Ranges 88 to 127: Duplex Normal (Additional), Incl. Cyrillic

These ranges comprise an auxiliary run of Duplex Normal glyphs. The provide the unusal (for the Hershey glyphs) Duplex Taper0 sans serif glyphs of ranges 88, 92, 97, & 98, script alphabets, Italic digits and punctuation, and Cyrillic.

Range 88 (2501-2526)

Duplex Normal Taper0 Sans Serif -
Latin Uppercase Letters

These glyphs, along with those in ranges 92 (lowercase), 97 (digits), and 98 (punctuation) are the only non-Uniplex "Taper0" (no taper) glyphs in the Hershey repertory. They're really the only reason the "Taper0" designation has any use at all.

hershey occidental glyphs range 88

Range 89: Not Used

(It might have been a sans serif Greek if Dr. Hershey had created it, or a script Greek if created later to match range 90.)

Range 90 (2551-2576)

Duplex Normal Taper1 Script -
Latin Uppercase Letters

hershey occidental glyphs range 90

Range 91: Not Used

Range 92 (2601-2626)

Duplex Normal Taper0 Sans Serif -
Latin Lowercase Letters

hershey occidental glyphs range 92

Range 93: Not Used

Range 94 (2651-2676)

Duplex Normal Taper1 Script -
Latin Lowercase Letters

hershey occidental glyphs range 94

Range 95: Not Used

Range 96: Not Used (skip so that the digit ranges all line up in the second column of Table 1)

Range 97 (2700-2709)

Duplex Normal Taper0 Sans Serif -

hershey occidental glyphs range 97

Range 98 (2710-2735)

Duplex Normal Taper0 Sans Serif -
Punctuation & Special Characters

hershey occidental glyphs range 98

Ranges 99-103: Not Used

Range 104: Not Used (skip so that the digit ranges all line up in the second column of Table 1)

Range 105 (2750-2759)

Duplex Normal Taper1 Script -

hershey occidental glyphs range 105

Range 106 (2760-2785)

Duplex Normal Taper1 Script -
Punctuation & Special Characters

hershey occidental glyphs range 106

Ranges 107-111: Not Used

Range 112 (2801-2832)

Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman -
Cyrillic Uppercase Letters

hershey occidental glyphs range 112

Ranges 113-115: Not Used

Range 116 (2901-2932)

Duplex Normal Taper1 Roman -
Cyrillic Lowercase Letters

hershey occidental glyphs range 116

Ranges 117-127: Not Used (skip so that Table 2 starts with the Triplex glyphs)

Exploring Dr. Hershey's Typography